How does this work?

This is Cathy trying to learn how to blog.  I’m not going to talk about much since I don’t know what’s going to happen here.  Maybe I’ll tell you a bit about myself:  I’m fabulous, and that’s probably all you need to know for now.  But hey, I’m a Bryce, so how could I not be fabulous!  🙂

About Cathy

I am absolutely the coolest, awesome-est, rock-out-ingest, raddest and baddest chick around! To know me is to want to be just like me. But don't waste your time, it'll never happen. But if it will make you feel better, I will be nice to you while watching you try in desperate vain to emulate me.
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One Response to How does this work?

  1. Cathy says:

    Oh, I see it turned up as a “comment” rather than a “blog.” Well, learning learning!

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